Company History
Established by Kelly Baker Henderson & Charles W. Henderson, Jr. on September 1, 2015 in Knoxville, TN.
Kelly has the Construction Industry flowing in her bloodline. With years of observing her family’s business and then her own personal involvement in that business, she decided it was time to begin her own legacy. As Kelly says, “it was in God’s timing”. A prime contractor with vast experience and a construction manager with over 25 years of experience was willing to open the door and give C3 Industrial an opportunity.
Charles (AKA Chip) acquired diverse blasting and coatings experience across a variety of project types including: military wharfs, power houses, coal fire plants, locks, dams and bridges. His dedication to safety, continued education and onsite performance created more opportunity.
The focus of C3 Industrial is character, team building, safety and performance. We strive to develop and strengthen our WORK ETHIC daily.